Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is It Ok To Take 2 Sleep Eze

March for Animal Rights, May 22, 2010. From the Angel of Independence at the National Palace (Zocalo).

Although I have discussed this topic before, it's sad how easily we tend to forget or ignore. Some that do not consider it relevant, others hurt us open our eyes to the awful reality that millions of animals live day by day. Many of us are horrified at the cruelty to animals and yet contribute to it with our indifference. Whether through ignorance or convenience, we live a life based on the exploitation of other species. I am ashamed to admit that my own habits are not exempt from cruelty.

Animal liberation is an uncomfortable subject and thorny. It forces us to question our ethics, our habits and customs as society and as individuals, to wonder if we are willing to sacrifice some of our comfortable lifestyle in favor of innocent lives. As with the issue of feminism, there are many prejudices that seek to denigrate the cause, using pretexts frankly absurd and primitive with pseudo-scientific basis. A militant of this case are called radicals, extremists, terrorists, but: is not fundamentally immoral, terrifyingly extreme the way we behave as a species not only to animals but to the planet?

act as if the destruction of nature do not represent the end of our species. We are scared to face reality, we are outraged but we are not responsible. The truth is much more convenient and easier to pretend that nothing happens, turn your head away, close our ears. Stop the cruelty and exploitation suffered by the animals would be easier if we all did our part. Until this happens, do the right thing is difficult and sometimes downright heavy.

For my part I'm tired of turning the gaze, not remain indifferent.

Let's start with some:

"Do not buy clothes or shoes or leather, synthetics are just as good
-use products that NO experience with animals
-Reduce the much as possible your consumption of meat meals
-Avoid "exotic" endangering the species
-Spay your pets
"Do not buy animals," Do not lean
adoptalos sadistic events: dogfights, cockfights and bullfights
"Do not attend circuses that use animals
-Report abuse: HERE
-Foster to your friends and family these actions
-Use your online social networks to support the cause
- INFORMATE and participates via email

PD-I recommend you download the song for this post. The version of my player (youtube) is not half as good as the original.

Do not Kill The Animals by Nina Hagen & Lene Lovich


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